is focused directly on the academic, social, and personal needs of its students. It is the historic academic site in Niagara Falls for over 110 years where the Niagara Catholic School Board and the regional School Board delivered academic programs.
加拿大尼亞加拉中心學院的校園是尼亞加拉教育局在1893年建立,曾培訓了獲諾貝爾化學獎的科學家William Giauque(1949年化學獎)及該市的數名市長(如任1998-2006年的市長) ,法官,醫生,工程師等。
Located in the center of the internationally famed tourist attraction Niagara Falls. At this fine theatre, top performers from around the world will perform the grandest of shows for visitors. Do not miss this ...